MetaLAB: Clown Chorus
Tue 16.5.2023
Kallio Library / 19:00
Clown sounds are tuned and approaching the harmony, choir gowns are ironed and flower wreaths created! Clown chorus is ready to share a handful of songs about dreams with you!
Pop into the library and welcome the summer with us.
Free entrance!
Kallion kirjasto /Kupolisali
Viides linja 11
00530 Helsinki
Music director: Helena Leminen
Clown director: Soile Mäkelä
Kukka Eklund: Camilla Gunilla
Henna Hakkarainen: Gertrud Steinohr
Iika Hartikainen: Nolja Kekkonen
Mikko Lauronen: Kuuppa
Helena Leminen: Grace von Virtanen
Sinikka Lumiluoto: Dahlia Humus
Soile Mäkelä: Halla Kalma
Kirsi Naskali: Kasimir Elvis Romppanen
Silva Rikala: Kielo Bergman
Mathijs Scheeper: Höp
Iina Ukkonen: Pirjo Perla
The Clown Chorus meets regularly once a week in the MetaLAB-movement laboratory of Teatteri Metamorfoosi. The theme of the year 2023 is “dreams”. After the spring concert, the choir will continue to develop the program and will perform during the autumn, i.e. in the Clown Matinee of Teatteri Metamorfoosi at Nukketeatteritalo, Pakila on 22.10.2023.
(All the rights reserved for the changes for Teatteri Metamorfoosi)